Friday, February 17, 2012


Valentino Rossi turns 33

It won’t surprise anyone that the Italian media and motorcycle oriented websites are wishing Italy’s and MotoGPs most popular rider Valentino Rossi a Happy Birthday .

The nine time World Champion (we don’t feel the need to list all his racing accomplishments) turned 33 today and speaking to Sky Sport 24 gave an update on his recent leg surgery and his future plans (which is more or less the same things repeated ad nauseam).

“Everything is ll right! I’m continuing with rehabilitation, now I I have to fix my leg because I removed a rod last week. Everything is going well, I’m already walking without crutches, in short it’s a Happy Birthday: and without the rod I’m 2-3 ounces lighter and therefore more aerodynamic, faster … “
Rossi also jokingly talked about his father Graziano, who forgets his son’s birthday date “Someone must have told him what I wrote on Twitter ( The best thing about Valentine’s Day is that Graziano will soon call me to wish me Happy Birthday), so he called me on the 14th: but this time he wished me a happy name day … I was sort of disappointed, it was like a family tradition … “
Regarding his birthday, “When I was 20 years old, when I was presented to someone who was 33, I thought that was old .. instead in a moment you find yourself at 33 too! In the end nothing really changes from 24 to 33, I’m just a little older … “ Rossi laughingly also made a promise to his still numerous fans, “I hope to race motorcycles for many more years and then switch to cars. The goal is not to work when I grow up …”

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